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Dennis Budd

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Indy Toons FAQs
What is it all about?
Trevor, who are you and where are you from
When will we see new toons?
Trevor, where did you get your inspiration?
What Character did you start with?
Who are you aiming the cartoons at?
What do you use to create these images?

Can I use either Keith's or your graphics on my web page?

Trevor, what's your favorite Indy film?

What is it all about?
A few years back the Genius of a one Keith Lawler produced something that soon became a huge hit. Star Park. He intermingled Star Wars characters with the style of South Park cartoons, and put them into funny situations. Soon thousands were visiting the site, and he had done something really great.

Then, sometime in '98 I (Trevor Grove) came along and started sending in my own fan interpretations. Keith later made me part of the staff, and we've
been friends from across the pond ever since. That's when Keith started
taking it into new directions, and using other things he liked to spoof.

In 2001, I decided to finally start Indy toons. I hope to keep it up, and to
make this my main focus of toons. Hope you enjoy.

Trevor, who are you and where are you from?
I 'm Trevor Grove. I'm a 14 year old from Southern California. Art is my main
interest, and I've studied and worked with it for many years. It's a passion
by all means, and I hope to pursue it as a career. To see any of my work,
goto my site (

I love film. I've always loved it and been inspired by it. I owe it a lot
for really starting me on my artistic legacy. The Star Wars and Indiana
Jones trilogies have always been my favorite films. George Lucas and Steven Spielberg in general have made most of my favorite films.

I started doing toons back in '98. Indy started just this year, and
hopefully It'll live on for many years to come.

When will we see new toons?
Whenever Gilles can update, and I can produce. ;-) There is no particular
time I'll be updating. It's always, ' when I can get around to it.' Sorry
for those who are just craving the stuff. LOL!

Trevor, where did you get your inspiration?
From Keith Lawler. ;-) Other than that, it's the films. I've never been a
tremendous fan of the South Park show, just the characters and funny

What Character did you start with?
Indy of course! I did three until I was finally happy with one. After that
came Henry Sr, and, poof, before I knew it, I had nearly everyone.

Who are you aiming the cartoons at?
Particularly the Indy fans. I've gotten to know some of you through forums,
and I'd like to give to the community as much as possible. We all love Indy,
and I just wanted to add the spoof park touch to it.

What do you use to create these images?
Keith and I both use Adobe Photoshop. I use 6.0, but I think any of the
some-what later versions will do just fine. It's a fabulous tool for toons,
but an expensive one. There are cheaper programs that would give a similar
affect. I'd recommend that.

Can I use either Keith's or your graphics on my web page?
(Keith's policy) All I can say is.... don't make this site redundant by
copying all the graphics and sticking them in your site. It's updated often
and will be the most up to date site featuring any of the graphics. Try to
keep the number of graphics used to a minimum.... pick a few of your
favourites and link back to me.
I'd also be interested in the uses of the graphics. (Keith's Policy)

Trevor, what's your favorite Indy film?
That's a very tough question. You ask me my favorite Star Wars film, and it'
s easily the original. You ask me my favorite Indy film and I say, "huh,
what? Me?" I love them all so much that it's hard to choose, but I'd say it'
s a definite toss up between Raiders and Temple and Last Crusade. LOL


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